Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hackers Memory Case Guide (2024)

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hackers Memory Case Guide (1)
Want to master all of the side quests? Check out our Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hackers Memory Case Guide for a step by step guide on unlocking and completing all of the cases we’ve discovered and finished on the BBS board.

Cases are special side quests in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hackers Memory. There are three distinct types. Important Cases that are required to progress through the story, standard Cases that are just for the rewards and story, and DigiFarm Cases that are missions related to your DigiFarm. You can tell which is which by the color code bar on the left of the email.

[list style=’regular’][list_item]Important Cases – Red[/list_item][list_item]Normal Cases- Yellow[/list_item][list_item]DigiFarm Cases – Green[/list_item][/list]

Below is a list of all Cases in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hackers Memory in a Chapter by Chapter format. We focus primarily on the Normal and DigiFarm Cases as the Important ones are story-based and rarely difficult. The DigiFarm Cases are mostly repeatable, except the eliminating of hackers, so you will often find that you discover them in a different location to us, but it doesn’t really matter either way. All of the DigiFarm cases are marked with (Farm).

Some of the Cases are Domination cases where you can choose friends to bring with you. Be sure to make the right choices with our Popularity Events Guide.

Chapter 3: Demonslaying Cases

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion initial=’1′][accordion_item title=’Lovely Melody’]This is one of the first side cases you can take on. After you complete the main mission for the Digilab women these will unlock. Take this quest and you will be warped to Kowloon level one. Talk to the woman in the park there and she will ask if you can hear the singing. Follow the path to the end of Kowloon level one and you will face a Lalamon there. After you defeat the Lalamon, it will agree to be the girls singing coach and you will complete the quest.

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Missing Girl’]This is one of the first side cases you can take on. The Missing Girl quest will take you to Kowloon level one. Talk to the people in the Junk plaza and they will say they have never heard of Rumi. A Lunamon will appear and start talking to you. She takes you to where Remi is and you have to face off with Lunamon. I’m not sure what she did turn one but she killed my Agumon in a shot. The rest of the fight was pretty simple, just be sure to burn her down before she can murder your other Digimon. When Lunamon is defeated you will be the mission. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Young At Heart (Farm)’]This Case is discovered when Investigating in the DigiFarm. This is a team battle where you have to earn points by taking over squares on the map. Some are worth five points and others are worth one. I brought Ryuji and Chitose for the battle since they had strong Digimon. Have Ryuji take the middle two squares so you have ten points in a well defended spot. From there you can use yourself and Chitose to get the five pointers on the outskirts. You need to reach 35 before the enemy or before 30 turns to win. If an enemy is on a square you want, fight them and take it for yourself. [/accordion_item]

Chapter 4: Net-Dancin’ Cowboy

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Beat Cheating Center Yuuji (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 4. This is a very easy Case. Simply head to Under Kowloon Level 2. Head deep into the area and near the end you will locate an cheater with a ! above his head. Simply beat him in battle to complete this Case.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Golemons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 4. Golemon asks you to locate and return an item he lost in Kowloon Level 2. Once you arrive in Kowloon Level 2, speak with Golemon. Head North to the next map and then search the South East corner. There’s a flashing item on the floor. Pick up “Someone’s Property” and then return to Golemon.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Unimons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 4. Much like Golemon, Unimon has lot an item. Pick up the Case and then travel to Under Kowloon Level 2. Head to the location and speak with Unimon. Head North and fly to the next area, then take the next exit to the North again. In the last map of the area, the one with the two girls hanging around, search the East side for the item. Return the item to Unimon and then hand in the Case.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Young At Heart (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 4. This is another territory battle with some random Digimon trainers. Bring two allies and do the same strat as last time. Have your strongest member hold the center two spots and have the other two take the side 5 point squares. As long as you hold the center you will win. Get enough points before 30 turns and you’ll be fine.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Bugs’]One of the first side missions you can get in Chapter 4. Once you accept the quest you will be warped to the Arcade and you will talk with the owner. One of the fighting games is having an issue and you need to find out why. Talk to the guy with the ! over his head and he will show you the problem. Talk to the owner again and then use the phone to go into Eden and warp to the new URL. Follow it to the end and defeat the Toy Agumon group there to complete the quest.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’By The Nose’]One of the first side missions you can get in Chapter 4. This one can be a bit challenging so be sure you Digimon are ready. Go to the URL area and talk to the people around to find out about the stinky smell. Another URL will open up and you will need to head there. Talk to the Wolf Digimon and it will lead you to the problem. This is a mini boss fight that has a lot of HP and can do AoE attacks. He doesn’t hit super hard but he can poison you. When you beat the trash Digimon you will beat the case.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Ghost Mixer’]One of the first side missions you can get in Chapter 4. There is a rumor of a ghost at a certain area in Kowloon. Head to Kowloon level two and work your way to the end of the area. Before you get there you will see a Ghost Digimon and a couple humans. Talk to them and you will have a battle. Defeat the Digimon and you will beat the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Bonehead Hack Ittetsu (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 4. This is one of the 30 rogue hackers that Mirei mentions in the Digifarm. Go to Kowloon level two and follow it to the end to find the hacker. It is an old man with a ! over his head.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Take Out Satsuke The TicketFiend (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 4. This is one of the 30 rogue hackers that Mirei mentions in the Digifarm. Go to the Under Kowloon level One and follow it to the end to find the hacker. At the very end you will find a woman hacker with a ! over her head. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Envious Hacker Konami (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 4. This is another Blacklist hacker that you can find at the Under Kowloon level Two area. In the second area you will find the Hacker in the corner. Beat her and return to complete the mission. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Strikedramons Lost Item (Farm)’]Another Case available from the DigiFarm during Chapter 4 and onward. Travel to Under Kowloon Level 2 and speak with Strikedramon there. Fly through to the next area and check the North West corner, it’s on the floor not far from the chest. Return the item to complete the Case.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Zubamons Lost Item (Farm)’]Another Case available from the DigiFarm during Chapter 4 and onward. Head to Under Kowloon Level 1 and speak with Zubamon. Then proceed into the next area. You will find the item on the East side of that area on the floor. Return the item to complete the Case.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Capsule Fan Hacker Hero (Farm)’]Another Case to find one of the blacklisted hackers. Obtained from DigiFarm Investigation during Chapter 4. Hacker Level 4. Head to Kowloon Level 1. In the first large area of Kowloon Level 1, proceed towards the North Exit. Just before that, head to the small room at the West. Defeat the hacker to finish the Case.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Anti-Agumon League (Farm)’]This Case can be discovered through Investigating on the DigiFarm during Chapter 4 with Hacker Level 3. This is another Domination Battle although with a different victory condition. Occupying spaces gives you points that increase your attack, with the overall goal being elimination of every enemy team. Remember, attackers go first so always try to stay out of reach of attacks on your opponents turns. Rush to the 3 middle 10 spaces and take down your opponents, easy enough.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Chuumons Lost Item (Farm)’]Another Case available from the DigiFarm during Chapter 4 and onward. Head to Kowloon Level 1 and speak with Chuumon. Head to the very last area and you’ll see the item on the floor.

Chapter 5: To The Island Of Happiness

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Grademons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. You need to find an item for Grademon in Kowloon level 3. Talk to him in Kowloon 3 and the head in. When you get to the area where you can go straight, left or right, go left and you will find the item in that area. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Spam Ad Hacker Yasu (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Another one of the Blacklist hackers has been found and this time they are in Kowloon level 2. You will find the hacker in a second area of Kowloon level 2. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Willy Merchant Akinori (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Another one of the Blacklist hackers has been found and this time they are in the Hacker Forum. The area is really small and you can find him very easily. Beat him and return to beat the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Correct Black Silver (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. This one is a turf war against some new trainers. It’s a different map this time but the idea is still the same. Use your weaker guys to get the points on your side and use your best guy to push onto the other side of the board. You need 40 points to win this one so you will have to steal at least some of the opponents spaces.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Juice Lover Daiki (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Another Blacklist hacker has been found and you gotta take him down. You will find him at the end of Kowloon level 1 and he has all basic Digimon. Return after you beat him and complete quest.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Digi-Art Contributer Rin (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Another Blacklist hacker has been found and you gotta take her down. She can be found in the Zaxon Forums on the left side of the map. Battle her and her basic Digimon and return home to complete the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Correct The Young At Heart (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. This is a turf war against the Young At Heart team and the same as the other ones. Normal strategy here, best fighter in the middle and the other two capture points on the outside.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Greedy Hacker Yoku (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Another Blacklist hacker has been found and you gotta take him down. He is in the Demon’s Den and has some basic Digimon to fight. Beat him and return for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Auction Scammer Tetsuji (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Another Blacklist hacker has been found and you gotta take him down. You can find him on Kowloon level 3. When you get to the section that you can go left right or straight, go straight and he is in the next area. He does have Champion level Digimon so be ready. After you beat him, return to the PC for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Legendary Digimon’]The first real side mission of Chapter 5 comes after you play as a girl for a bit. You will be warped into the area you need to check for the quest. There is a level 3 firewall here and to crack it you will need four or more Champion Digimon with you. When you break the firewall the Gold Guardmon will attack you. Defeat him and you will beat the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Lekismons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. You need to head to Under Kowloon Level 1 and speak with Lekismon. Head through to the first area then take the portal at the back to the final area. The item is on the floor right at the end. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Raptordramons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Head to Kowloon Level 2 and speak with Raptordramon. Proceed through Kowloon 2 until you reach the area with the multiple chests. Check the Western edge of the area for the item.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Teach Fire Powers A Lesson (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. This is a Domination battle but nothing you haven’t dealt with before.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Turuiemons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Head to Demons’ Den and speak with Turuiemon. You’ll find the item behind a pillar on the left side of the room. Speak to Turuiemon and complete the Case.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Anti-Metal Greymon League (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. This is a Domination battle against different Greymons. Bring Data Digimon with you for an easy ride.
Once you have defeated all opponents, return to complete the Case.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Anti-Devimon League (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 5. Same as before except this time it is Devimon and other Dark Digimon. [/accordion_item]

Chapter 6: Connected Girl

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Beat Hijacking Hacker Saya (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 6. Another Blacklist hacker has been found and you gotta take her down. This one is on Kowloon Level 3. When you get to the area where you can go left, right or straight, take a right and in that area you will find the hacker. She has champion leveled Digimon so be sure you are ready for her. Beat her and return to your PC for a reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Black Cat Curse?’]When you reach Chapter 6 this will be unlocked at the start. Someone crossed a black cat and now they think they are cursed. Go to Eden and then hit the Occult forum. There are three people to talk to here, two in the center and one down the left path near a chest. After you talk to all three the Black Gatomon will appear and when you talk to her next you will fight. When you beat the cat, the mission will be complete.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Hard Worker’]When you reach Chapter 6 this will be unlocked at the start. Go to the Syncing Computer URL for the quest. There is a giant wall that you need to get past but you need the password first. When you get kicked away from the wall you will call the client and he will help you out. Get the chest in the next area and defeat the bear Digimon to beat the mission. I chose to shut down his PC since that is what the client wanted. If you choose to let him continue working, the outcome is the same.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Teach Spread Wings A Lesson (Farm)’]This one is found during investigations on Chapter 6. It is a territory battle and you need to get 40 points in 40 turns. As usual you will use your strongest member, most likely you, to hold the center points. The flanks should be gotten by your allies. The 10 in the center is important bu you can easily grab that and another 5 near by with the center character. I brought Yu and Yuuko and had no issues with the match.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Bluffing Hacker Satoru (Farm)’]This one is found during investigations on Chapter 6. This is one of the Blacklist Hackers and he can be found in Under Kowloon level 3. He is really easy to find and his Digimon are basic. Just head through the map and you will find him. Beat him and return for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Anti-Guardromon League (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 6. Same as before except this time it is Guardromon. Bring Vaccine Digimon for an easy ride. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’ZubaEagermons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 6. You need to go to Demon’s Den and speak with ZubaEagermon. It’s behind the pool table on the floor. [/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Coelamons Lost Item (Farm)’]You can unlock this Case through Investigating at the DigiFarm during Chapter 6. You need to go to the Zaxon Forum and speak with the Digimon there. It’s located in the far left corner as you enter the area.[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Mooch Tadanori (Farm)’]This one is found during investigations on Chapter 6. This is one of the Blacklist Hackers and he can be found in Under Kowloon level 3. He’s in the South East part of the very last area in Under Kowloon Level 3.Yeah

Chapter 7: Mask Master

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Territory Contest Tokyo Shock Groove’]You will get this side mission at the start of Chapter 7. This is a territory battle but is different from the ones you have done before. You need to find all the hacker points and take them from the enemy and then face their leader. You can just face their leader right away but they will have an advantage and your Digimon will be paralyzed. It is worth getting all the hacking points just to do battle with the extra four trainers for that easy experience. Leave your partner to protect them once you get a Hack point and then take the rest yourself. The boss has a couple of strong Digimon so be ready for a fight.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Fighting Beetles’]You will get this side mission at the start of Chapter 7. When you get to the Beetle Arena you will have to get past two tree Digimon. Fight them and go past, don’t forget the chest near them. Now use the elevators to go up to the terminals in the area. There are two and you need to activate both to take down the green wall blocking the path to the Beetle Fight. When you get to the fight, they are both hungry and need Plant Sap. Head back to the two tree Digimon you beat and they will give it freely. Return to your PC for a reward.

Chapter 8: Cyber-Gloom

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Beat Rogue Hacker Gouta(Farm)’]This one is found during investigations on Chapter 8. This is one of the Blacklist Hackers and he can be found in Kowloon level 4. He does have a couple of strong Digimon but they don’t have much HP. He is found near the end of Kowloon level 4. Beat him and return for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Cat Ear’]One of the first normal side missions you get in Chapter 8. This is another one where you need to find the four hack points and take them over. This one isn’t as bad because you just lose speed if you don’t do take the points. Still there are four other trainers in the area and fighting all them is worth the experience. Take all the points and face the leader to beat the mission.

Chapter 9: Tumult Of Winter

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Where The Bees Are Headed’]One of the first normal side missions you get in Chapter 9. Head to the research Server in Eden and look for the Digimon. There are two Beemon in the area and one is near a Big Bug Digimon you have to fight. When you beat him you will beat the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Crazed Security’]One of the first normal side missions you get in Chapter 9. This time you have to take down some security walls and find out who is placing them down. You will be warped to where you need to be and there are three walls you have to beat. When you beat all the walls continue through the area until you reach the top and you will face off with Gryphonmon. I had one Digimon weak to him and he hit like a truck so the battles are getting tougher, but it isn’t that bad here.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Masked Maids’]One of the first normal side missions you get in Chapter 9. Another one of those missions where you have to hack a few switches and then face off with a trainer. There are five switches this time and you will want to hack them all because these ones confuse your Digimon. Take all the switches and then take out the leader to win the mission.

Chapter 10: Just Below Zero

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Masked Maids’]One of the first normal side missions you get in Chapter 10. Another one of those missions where you have to hack a few switches and then face off with a trainer. This time I tired to just kill the leader without hacking all the switches, big mistake. She is way stronger if you don’t hack the switches. One is easily missable right at the start, it is to the left but you need to make a bridge to get to it. The rest are easy to find so make sure you get them all before fighting the leader.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Immediate Delivery’]One of the first normal side missions you get in Chapter 10. First head to Kowloon level 4 and speak with the Veggiemon in the second area. He will tell you about URL they use for delivery. Go to the delivery URL but make sure you can break a firewall of level 3. This means you need four Digimon in your party of at least Champion ranking. Head to end of the area and you will face off with WereGarurumon. Return to your PC when you are done for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Beat Venting Hack Takeo’]This is an investigation mission from the farm you get during Chapter 10. Head down to Kowloon level 4 and in the second area you will find an old man you need to battle. Beat him and return for your reward.

Chapter 11: Dimensional Collapse

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Beat Groupie Hacker Hitomi’]This is an investigation mission from the farm you get during Chapter 11. Head down to Under Kowloon level 4 and go forward until the first area with the yellow lifts. Your target is in this area, beat her and return for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Hammering Curse’]After some of the story bits in Chapter 11 you will get a ton of side missions and this is one of them. You need to head down to Under Kowloon level 4 and look for something making a hammering sound. In the second area of Under Kowloon level 4 there are three people you will need to talk with. After you talk to the three, talk to the first one again and she will say I hope you get cursed too. Just head a bit deeper into Under Kowloon 4 and you will find a Digimon with a huge hammer, Beat it and return to your PC for a reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Welcome To Play Land’]After some of the story bits in Chapter 11 you will get a ton of side missions and this is one of them. An Amusem*nt park URL will be opened up in Eden and you need to go there. You will need to be able to use Code Scan to do this mission. You will have to answer Questions by going to the right teleporter pad. First one is right, second is left and the last one is also left. At the end I told the Digimon it needs more then a quiz and you end up battling CatchMamemon. After you beat him down you can pick the name of the park, it’s up to you the choice doesn’t matter. After that you return to your PC and get your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Dust Alliance’]After some of the story bits in Chapter 11 you will get a ton of side missions and this is one of them. You are warped to their area and you need to take over their hack points. This one will have five points to take and if you don’t you will be poisoned during your fights. Take them all and then defeat the leader to beat the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Spike & Shield’]After some of the story bits in Chapter 11 you will get a ton of side missions and this is one of them. You are warped to their area and you need to take over their hack points. There are five hack points in this one and I highly recommend you take them all. The leader only has two Digimon but they have a lot of HP and defense so it is a long drawn out fight. Focus on one and when it is a one on three you can easily win. Return to the PC for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Reason For Anonymous Hope’]After some of the story bits in Chapter 11 you will get a ton of side missions and this is one of them. First you are sent to the Hoska Server to look for clues. When you arrive you will have a pretty easy fight and Piximon will run away. Follow Piximon down the left side of the map and you will have a few fights until you reach the end. Beat the leader and Piximon to complete the mission. There are a couple choices at the end but none if it matters, you agree not to tell the police regardless of what you pick.

Chapter 13: Butterflys Long Afternoon

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Dinosaurists’]There are no side missions in Chapter 12 but once you start up Chapter 13 you will run into a few. This is the only territory battle and it isn’t a super hard one. You need to capture the five points and then attack the leader. You might be able to get away with not taking the points but his Digimon are strong so I wouldn’t risk it. Beat the mission and return to your PC.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Corridor Ward’]There are no side missions in Chapter 12 but once you start up Chapter 13 you will run into a few. Now that Digimon are in the real world people have started to go missing. You need to go to the hospital and try to find the administrator. Talk to the nurse to the right of the entrance and she will mention the 12th floor. Go up there and talk to the next nurse and she will tell you to check the last room on the left. Go all the way down the hall and enter the left door. Check the TV and a creepy message will appear. Leave the room and everyone is suddenly missing.

First head to the elevator and then check the window near the door you left. Try to break the window but you can’t pick up anything off the floor. Now enter the room where you interacted with the TV to begin with. It is also locked by Socerimon will appear and help you find a new path. Now you just have to move around the area until you find the Manager and then defeat the Digimon in that area. You will be returned back to your world and you can go to the PC and beat the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Gluttonous Case’]There are no side missions in Chapter 12 but once you start up Chapter 13 you will run into a few. When you take the mission you will be warped to a subway area with some elevators to take. Take the first elevator down and then enter the first room for bonus chests. Leave and take the next path down and then take the elevator down to floor 666. Follow that to the security door and bring it down. It has some HP and can do a ton of damage if it reaches 100% so bring your heavy hitters. Take next elevator to b9–99-9–9. After you beat the boss there is a choice but again it doesn’t matter, Beelzemon comes to take the kill.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Spirit Fox And Girl’]There are no side missions in Chapter 12 but once you start up Chapter 13 you will run into a few. When you take the case you will be teleported to Asakusa. Talk to the people with the ! over their heads to get some info. Head through the gate into Asakusa??? and follow the path to the end to face Sedramon. Return to your PC to complete the mission.

Chapter 14: Dark Legend

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Akiba Flannel’]You unlock these after you get a new PC in chapter 14. It is another territory battle but this one is a bit tricky because the there are multiple paths to take. First take the left portal, this will lead to a hack point. Then drop down the the middle path for another Hack point. Then drop down and take the right teleporter for another hack point. When you reach the end you need to go the right left side of the room for one more Hacker point. Take the teleporter near the leader and this will lead to your last Hack point and a medal. Now you can go all the way back to the end but you can take different routes to fight other hackers if you want. If you want battles go right, right, then middle for some extra fights. Take down the leader and return to your PC.

[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Phantom Cyberghosts’]You unlock these after you get a new PC in chapter 14. First head to Kamishiro Enterprises in Eden. Talk to the man there and he will tell you the account is still active. You will then be teleported to Under Kowloon level 1. Head to the end of Under Kowloon level 1 and then go to Kowloon level 4. At the end of Kowloon level 4 there is a elevator on the right side near the end of the area you can take up. Take it up and talk to the NPC up there and this will start a fight. After that return to your PC to complete the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Blue Aquarium’]You unlock these after you get a new PC in chapter 14. First head to Kamishiro Enterprises in Eden. Talk to all the people in the Aquarium and interact with the portal on the glass after. The Digimon will run to your old HQ, the Cafe so check there next. As usual this trigger a fight and after you beat him down you can return to your PC and complete the mission.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Fossil Paradise’]You unlock these after you get a new PC in chapter 14. First head to Kamishiro Enterprises in Eden. This mission is in the Museum and you will be warped to it when you start. Head upstairs and through the left doorway to find a couple of Digimon. It’s a pretty simple fight as long as you have Ultimate Digimon. After the fight you can tell them to leave or talk to the manager and he will allow to to stay. Beat them and return to the PC to complete the mission.

Chapter 16: Vanquished Boy

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Avoid Fights’]There are no side missions in 15 but when you get to Chapter 16 a few open up. Take the mission and head to the Angel Server in Eden. Follow the path to the end and you will find the two Digimon that you are supposed to stop from fighting. It doesn’t matter who you choose because it ends in you fighting both of them regardless. It can be a tough fight because they hit hard but as long as you whole team isn’t one type you shouldn’t lose them all. After you beat them both, you can pick either choice and the outcome is the same. Return to your PC for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Energy Hog Beast’]There are no side missions in 15 but when you get to Chapter 16 a few open up. When you take this mission, head to the Power Plant Server. You will need an Electric type Digimon to interact with the power servers here. You have to restore all of the power terminals and make your way to the last floor. When you do that you will face off with Chaosdramon. After you beat him pick your choice and he will leave.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Stop Fighting’]This one opens up after you complete Avoid Fights and Energy Hog Beast during Chapter 16. You have to head down the underpass for awhile to find your target. Take the left tunnel first, you can wrap back around on the right side for a medal if you want. Follow the tunnel further down until it splits again and take the left tunnel. Follow the path until it breaks again and then take the left tunnel. Chuumon will contact you and after that keep going to find your targets. Call Chuumon and he will come talk to them after you beat them down. Return to your PC for your reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Legend Angels’]This is the territory battle you get during Chapter 16. You know how this works by now, take the hack points and beat the leader.

Chapter 17: Even In Arcadia

[line style=’solid’ top=’10’ bottom=’10’ width=’100%’ height=’1′ color=’blue’][accordion_item title=’Bird Pest Control’]You get this at the start of Chapter 17. You need to head up to the top of the Metro building and clear out some bird Digimon. After beating them in the lobby, take the elevator up to 40 and then the next up to 48. On the 48th floor you fight them again and then up on the roof you face them a last time. When you beat them, return to the PC as usual.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Believing In God’]You get this at the start of Chapter 17. You have to hand out leaflets to four people in this area and eventually Matayoshi will appear. Return to the woman and ask her what’s up with the leaflets. When you finish up in the real world, head into Eden and go to the Dragon God Shrine URL. As I’m sure you can guess, this ends in a fight. Return to you PC to get the reward.
[/accordion_item][accordion_item title=’Territory Capture: Steam Dealer’]You get this at the start of Chapter 17. Another territory battle and you know how these work by now. The leader battle can be a bit rough so make sure you are fully healed and have full SP when you enter. Return the PC when you are done to get your reward.

We’re updating our Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hackers Memory Case Guide as we continue to progress through the game so check back soon for more cases and solutions.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hackers Memory Guides

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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hackers Memory Case Guide (2024)
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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.