Every James Bond Movie In Chronological Order (2024)


  • James Bond movies are based on Ian Fleming's novels, but not all follow the source material closely.
  • Different actors bring their own interpretations to the role of Bond, making each version unique.
  • The future of the franchise looks promising with Aaron Taylor-Johnson rumored to be the next 007.

Watching all the James Bond movies in order is a huge undertaking and requires a little investigating into the franchise's history in order to pull off. Based on the books by Ian Fleming, the MI6 agent was inspired by Fleming’s time in the British Naval Intelligence Division while serving in World War II. There are 40 Bond books written by six different authors, but Fleming’s original 14 founded the entire spy-filled universe. The order of the 007 films does not follow the correct order of Fleming’s novels. Casino Royale was written by Fleming in 1953, followed by Live and Let Die and Moonraker.

However, despite not being the first book, Dr. No was the first James Bond movie to actually be filmed. Fleming sold the movie rights of Casino Royale to producer Gregory Ratoff in 1955. Eon Productions, run by Albert “Cubby” Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, purchased the rights to the entire James Bond story from Fleming in 1961, and with Casino Royale not included, they had to settle for Dr. No. It was not an origin story but was the perfect film to kick off the franchise while cementing many of the franchise's iconic aspects that still continue to this day.


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How Many James Bond Movies Are There?

"Unofficial" Bond Movies Complicate The Franchise

Every James Bond Movie In Chronological Order (2)

When looking at how many James Bond movies there are, it is a bit more complicated than expected. Two of the movies featuring the famous spy are considered “non-Eon” films, having been produced by other studios. Casino Royale was first in 1967, starring David Niven in what was a spy movie spoof by Columbia Pictures. The second was Never Say Never Again in 1983 in the “Battle of the Bonds.” Broccoli and Saltzman wanted Thunderball to be the first Bond film, but due to a legal dispute between Fleming and producer Kevin McClory, that film was not an option to start the franchise.

There are 25 total official James Bond movies and two that are not connected to the main franchise.

McClory was awarded screenplays he and Fleming co-wrote because of the plagiarism suit filed against Fleming. McClory assembled a team to produce a new script based on Thunderball and convinced Sean Connery to reprise the role and compete against Roger Moore, Broccoli, and Octopuss*. As a film released by someone other than Eon Productions, Never Say Never Again isn't a Bond film in the conventional sense which is confusing given that it features perhaps the most iconic Bond actor in the role. There are 25 total official James Bond movies and two that are not connected to the main franchise.


Release Year

Bond Actor

Dr. No


Sean Connery

From Russia With Love


Sean Connery



Sean Connery



Sean Connery

You Only Live Twice


Sean Connery

Casino Royale (Non-Eon)


David Niven

On Her Majesty's Secret Service


George Lazenby

Diamonds Are Forever


Sean Connery

Live and Let Die


Roger Moore

The Man with the Golden Gun


Roger Moore

The Spy Who Loved Me


Roger Moore



Roger Moore

For Your Eyes Only


Roger Moore



Roger Moore

Never Say Never Again (Non-Eon)


Sean Connery

A View To A Kill


Roger Moore

The Living Daylights


Timothy Dalton

Licence to Kill


Roger Moore



Pierce Brosnan

Tomorrow Never Dies


Pierce Brosnan

The World Is Not Enough


Pierce Brosnan

Die Another Day


Pierce Brosnan

Casino Royale


Daniel Craig

Quantum Of Solace


Daniel Craig



Daniel Craig



Daniel Craig

No Time To Die


Daniel Craig


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Do The James Bond Movies Follow The Books?

Each Actor Was Allowed Their Own Take On 007

Every James Bond Movie In Chronological Order (4)

Ian Flemings' books provided the foundation for all of the James Bond movies, but not all of them are based on novels while others are loose adaptations. Exceptions like Thunderball, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, and Goldfinger do follow the plots of their respective books, but Casino Royale (2006) is the closest in terms of matching the novel’s plot — while also improving on it. Even the character of Bond himself became something new each time a new actor took over the role.

The different iterations of Bond portrayed are why fans love the franchise so much.

Connery and Moore were the charismatic, playboy-type, although Connery had more of a rugged look than Moore. Timothy Dalton was an avid reader of the Bond books and sought a more real and raw Bond, something closer to Fleming’s version. Brosnan and Craig were cunning and smooth, but Brosnan leaned away from emotional decisions, whereas Craig's Bond can have a ferocious bite when tested. The different iterations of Bond portrayed are why fans love the franchise so much.


James Bond is mostly known for his suave demeanor and cool gadgets. However, the iconic spy has also racked up quite a kill count through the years.

How Long Do Actors Play James Bond?

Roger Moore Holds The Record For Bond Appearances

A hunt for a new James Bond is always a challenge since finding the right actor to follow in a solid history of Bond films is a make or break for the franchise. Many of the actors who have portrayed 007 stayed for several films, although George Lazenby starred in only one film, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, before stepping down. When Connery left after You Only Live Twice, the team sought to build around their new star in Lazenby, but he declined, and Connery stepped back into the role for Diamonds are Forever. This gave Connery six official James Bond movies and one non-EON movie over 10 years.

The most recent Bond was Daniel Craig, who helped reinvent the franchise with five interconnected films over 15 years.

Roger Moore was the next major James Bond after Connery and starred in seven official movies, one more than Connery, over 12 years. Timothy Dalton only took two turns from 1987 to 1989 and then Pierce Brosnan joined the franchise. He starred in a total of four movies over seven years. The most recent Bond was Daniel Craig, who helped reinvent the franchise with five interconnected films over 15 years. As the James Bond fandom prepares for yet another change, now might be the perfect time to revisit the movies that came before.

What The Future Of The James Bond Franchise Looks Like

Bond 26 Is In The Works

Despite Daniel Craig's 007 dying at the end of 2021's No Time To Die, the 26th James Bond movie is in the works. While there's little currently known about the next James Bond movie, there are a few confirmed details. Firstly, it's known that the next movie will feature a new 007 following Daniel Craig's departure. There's several rumored candidates, though it currently seems that Aaron Taylor-Johnson is the frontrunner for the new James Bond.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson's 007 (presuming he is successful) will usher in a new Bond era just as Daniel Craig did before him.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson has significant action movie experience, having appeared in The King's Man, Bullet Train, and Avengers: Age of Ultron. With this in mind, it's easy to see why the actor is a prime candidate for the 26th James Bond movie. The plot of the next 007 film is also undetermined, and it doesn't even yet have a title. However, if the history of the franchise is anything to go by, Aaron Taylor-Johnson's 007 (presuming he is successful) will usher in a new Bond era just as Daniel Craig did before him.

All of Ian Fleming's James Bond novels have been adapted to the screen by this point, which means it's not possible to pinpoint any likely candidates for the story. However, there are plenty of Bond movies that aren't based on books, so this isn't any reason for fans to worry. All this means is that when Bond 26 does eventually arrive it will be full of surprises, and will be a rejuvination for the James Bond franchise.

Every James Bond Movie In Chronological Order (6)
James Bond
Created by
Ian Fleming , Albert R. Broccoli
First Film
Dr. No
Latest Film
No Time to Die

Upcoming Films
James Bond 26
Sean Connery , George Lazenby , Roger Moore , Timothy Dalton , Pierce Brosnan , Daniel Craig
Every James Bond Movie In Chronological Order (2024)
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