Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (2024)

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (1)

Guan Yu

Rarity: Legendary
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (2) China | Lord of the Magnificent Beard
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (3)Infantry | Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (4)Conquering | Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (5)Skill

This commander is exclusively available for kingdoms over 310 days.

Table of Contents hide

1 Guan Yu

3 Guan Yu’s Skills

5 Best Commanders Pairings for Guan Yu

6 Best Equipment for Guan Yu

Guan Yu is a Legendary Commander, one of the best leading infantry units with powerful Skills.

Guan Yu is excellent in any form of PVP (Player Vs Player) game, both “Conquering” and “Open Field”, however, the latter is more recommended thanks to its enormous AOE skill damage, it is devastating and destructive, do not be afraid when facing your adversaries will suffer the worst consequences if they face “Lord of the Magnificent Beard”.

Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Guan Yu has a very powerful AOE damage ability, ideal for hitting multiple enemies on a large scale.
  • He is an infantry commander, these are the most defensive type of troops in the game, so they will make him a difficult commander to defeat.
  • He has a troop-healing factor, important in any battle we face.
  • We can use him in both forms of PVP, Conquering or Attacking in Open Field.

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (6)


  • He is slow for his Infantry specialty, he is not ideal for the flight, although “Lone Rider” increases his march speed by 100% for 3 seconds when Guan Yu leaves a structure.

Guan Yu’s Skills

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (7)

Saint of War


Deals direct damage to up to 3 enemies in a fan-shaped area and silences the targets for 3 seconds. When Guan Yu is serving as the primary commander, increase Damage Factor.


  • Damage Factor (When Secondary Commander): 550 / 650 / 750 / 850 / 1000
  • Direct Damage Factor: 1100 1300 / 1500 / 1700 / 2000
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (8)

Five Tiger Generals


When attacking garrisons, increases normal attack damage. Normal attacks have a 10% chance to reduce a single target’s attack for 3 seconds.


  • Normal Attack Damage Bonus: 3%/ 6%/ 9%/ 12%/ 15% Attack
  • Reduction: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (9)

The Slaying of Hua Xiong


Increases infantry units’ attack and march speed. Upon leaving battle, Guan Yu heals a portion of slightly wounded units.


  • Infantry Attack Bonus: 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% / 30%
  • Infantry March Speed Bonus: 3% / 6% / 9% / 12% / 15%
  • Healing Factor: 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 / 1000
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (10)

Green Dragon Crescent Blade


When the skill “Saint of War” hits only 1 target, there is a 50% chance to deal additional damage to the target. When the skill hits 2 or more targets, there is a 50% chance to deal additional damage to the current target.


  • Additional Damage Factor: 600 / 700 / 800 / 900 / 1000
  • Additional Damage Factor: 800 / 900 / 1000 / 1200 / 1400
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (11)

Lone Rider


Whenever Guan Yu gains a shield, he also increases his active skill damage by 15% for 3 seconds. Whenever Guan Yu leaves a structure, he increases his march speed by 100% for 3 seconds.

Guan Yu’s Talent Trees

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (12)

Open Field Build

Guan Yu is a commander made for battle, in any situation or difficulty that we face as a player he will be a very safe trump card if we take advantage of it to its full potential. “Saint of War” (Damage Factor (When Secondary Commander: 1000), Direct Damage Factor: 2000). This active ability in AOE will be your main weapon, so it is necessary to have it in its maximum strength and know how to take advantage of it in massive combat taking advantage of its ability. passive “Green Dragon”, where any enemy can receive Guan Yu’s powerful attack much more devastating.

No matter what type of units or commanders we face, Guan Yu has a pretty good resistance as an infantry commander, he even has a Healing Factor “The Slaying of Hua Xiong”, however, he is not a Tank commander, he is more focused on DPS in Open Field and his talents to a rapid regeneration of Rage to chain attacks of his Skill constantly.

Conquering Talents

  • This time we will not use any of the talents of “Conquering”

Skill Talents

  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (13) Heraldic Shield: Reduces skill damage taken by 6%. By fighting in “Open Field” this talent will reduce any skill attack we suffer from other commanders.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (14) Burning Blood: Normal attacks grant an additional 9 rage. Fundamental to hitting with our Active Skill as fast as possible.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (15) All for One: After the primary commander uses a skill, active skill damage of the secondary commander is increased by 6%. If we have a secondary commander with high damage per ability, this talent is ideal to increase his blow much more during combat.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (16) Tactical Mastery: Increases active skill damage by 3%. Excellent.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (17) Latent Power: Enhances additional skill damage by 6%. “Tactical Mastery” + “Latent Power” = 9% Damage Skill
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (18) Clarity: After using an active skill, increases skill damage by 6% for the next 6 seconds. In 6 seconds “Clarity” + “Tactical Mastery” + “Latent Power” = 15% Damage Skill. Amazing!
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (19) Rejuvenate: Instantly restores 60 rage whenever a skill is used. Perfect for maintaining our Active Skill by hitting much more often during combat.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (20) Feral Nature: Normal attack have a 10% to grant an additional 100 rage. If luck favors us this talent will be very useful while we are fighting since our Rage regeneration will increase by 100 points with that luck of 10%.

Infantry Talents

  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (21) Iron Spear: Infantry units led by this commander deal an additional 9% damage to cavalry units. As we know Guan Yu is a leading infantry commander, ideal for fighting and defeating units and cavalry commanders, this talent will be essential if we fight against these.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (22) Undying Fury: Normal attacks grant an additional 9 rage. “Undying Fury” + “Burning Blood” = 18 additional rage per attack.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (23) Double-Headed Axe: Increases normal attack damage by 1.5%. An extra damage gain for our troops.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (24) Call of the Pack: When the army led by this commander has been reduced to 50% strength, increases defense of all troops by 6%. This talent is perfect for long battles, it will make our commander and troops stay much longer fighting thanks to this defense gain.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (25) Strong of Body: Increases health of infantry units by 6%. We will have an infantry with much more health in “Open Field”
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (26) Hold the Line: When the army led by this commander contains only infantry units, gives troops a 10% chance to reduce damage taken by 20% for the next 2 seconds after being attacked. Excellent!

Without focusing our Guan Yu to “Open Field” we can see that it is a destruction machine, however, it has very little mobility and strength on the ground, the infantry support is good, but not the best, it is designed to be an assassin during battle.

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (27)

Rally Build (Conquering)

As a conquering commander, we have ideal talents if we want to burn enemy cities and strongholds, we should only point out that, as in “Open Field”, he is a commander who will be very damaging to any garrison, however, his abilities and talents are not designed to withstand long battles, but of course this will depend in part on your Secondary Commander to counter this weakness.

“Five Tiger Generals” Passive ability, perfect for attacking enemy structures, in its maximum numbers: Normal Attack Damage Bonus: 15%, Attack Reduction: 30%. That is, we will have an excellent commander attacking enemy structures, thanks to its high damage and its reduction.

Conquering Talents

  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (28) Moment of Triumph: This talent will increase the damage up to 9% of our troops led by Guan Yu while maintaining their strength to more than 90%. Ideal to always reinforce our Crowd or Rally while attacking some structure.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (29) Marionette: Reduces damage taken from watchtowers by 15%. Ideal for having the least possible loss of troops and taking less damage during our attack. It only works against cities, as these are the only ones that have watchtowers.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (30) Signal Flare: Increases damage dealt to watchtowers by 15%. Our direct attack against the watchtowers of the enemy city will be rewarded with extra damage essential for a quick victory.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (31) Tear of Blessing: As a great Conqueror talent it will help us reduce the loss of troops during our Attack to a maximum of 9%, we must reach this talent if we want to conquer.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (32) Entrenched: Increases all damage dealt to strongholds by 3% and damage taken form stronghold garrison is reduces by 3%. Against any structure we will do and suffer less damage.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (33) Meteor Shower: When attacking garrison, normal attacks have a 10% chance to increase all damage dealt on the next turn by 50%. Excellent!

Skill Talents

  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (34) Heraldic Shield: Reduces skill damage taken by 6%. If we attack cities or strongholds the defending commanders will launch powerful abilities depending on who they are, even our Guan Yu can suffer direct attacks from other enemy armies or rallies, this talent will reduce a percentage of any of those damages by abilities of enemy commanders who attack us.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (35) Tactical Mastery: Increases active skill damage by 3%. Much more skill damage to burn.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (36) All for One: After the primary commander uses a skill, active skill damage of the secondary commander is increased by 6%. When attacking cities, we must have a good secondary commander, if he has a powerful ability, he will be ideal for this talent.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (37) Burning Blood: Normal attacks grant an additional 9 rage. When attacking cities, we must have a good secondary commander, if he has a powerful ability, he will be ideal for this talent.

Infantry Talents

  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (38) Iron Spear: Infantry units led by this commander deal an additional 9% damage to cavalry units. Good talent if the garrison is defended by commanders and cavalry units, it will also be ideal if we defend some structure and suffer the direct attack of the enemy cavalry.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (39) Undying Fury: Normal attacks grant an additional 9 rage. “Undying Fury” + “Burning Blood” = 18 additional rage per attack
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (40) Double-Headed Axe: Increases normal attack damage by 1.5%. An extra damage gain for our troops.
  • Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (41) Call of the Pack: When the army led by this commander has been reduced to 50% strength, increases defense of all troops by 6%. By attacking cities or strongholds thanks to this talent we will keep our troops much more defensive when we have lost 50% of our units.

Guan Yu thanks to his talents is an excellent commander in attack on enemy structures, mainly his skills will make him a fearful enemy or a strong ally, he can even be one of our best commanders in any of the functions that we assign him, he is excellent!

Best Commanders Pairings for Guan Yu

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (42)As a great infantry commander Tank, he will be the best option, thanks to the Defense, Attack and Health abilities that he will provide to the troops led by Guan Yu.
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (43)Excellent commander, one of the best in the game, his resistance will make him an almost “Immortal” enemy with strong skill damage thanks to Guan Yu.
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (44)One of the game’s best defenders, both Garrison and Open Field, will be an excellent match, tough on any task assigned to them.
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (45)Legendary Archer, however, one of the best in the game in AOE damage, although it doesn’t improve our infantry, it will give a lot of bonus to our damage in Open Field or Rally, an excellent option.
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (46)Considered one of the best infantry commanders in the game, together with Guan Yu he will make his units an “Invencible” army.
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (47)Epic Commander of very good damage AOE, along with Guan Yu will be a double chaos, Sun Tzu will also enhance Guan Yu’s attack thanks to his “Ever-changing Tactics” Skill.
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (48)Great Epic Commander, ideal for its Infantry Skill bonuses, plus great endurance in combat.

Best Equipment for Guan Yu

EquipmentDelay timeStats
Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (49)22 DaysCavalry Defense +3%

Infantry Defense +5%

Archer Defense +5%

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (50)3.5 DaysInfantry Health +2%

Archer Defense +2%

Damage to Barbarians +3%

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (51)14 DaysInfantry Attack +3%

Archer Health +3%

Commander EXP Gain +3%

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (52)18 DaysCavalry Health +2%

Infantry Health +1%

March Speed +3%

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (53)14 DaysInfantry Defense + 3%

Archer Defense +3%

Commander EXP Gain +3%

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (54)15 DaysCavalry Health +2%

Infantry Defense +1%

March Speed +3%

Total86.5 DaysAttack + 3% + 2% Bonus

Defense + 9%

Health +4%

March Speed +6%

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (55)

Hopefully, after reading this guide, you can have the best set up for your Guan Yu and find it easy to master him!

4/5 - (43 votes)

Guan Yu Guide & Talent Tree Build - Rise of Kingdoms (2024)
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