Setting Up Direct Deposits (2024)

Page Name

Definition Name


Request Direct Deposit Page


(USA, USF) Enter theinformation to enable the direct deposit of employee pay to checkingor savings bank accounts.

Request Direct Deposit Page


(CAN) Enter the informationto enable the direct deposit of employee pay to chequing or savingsbank accounts.

US Bank Additional DataPage


Canada Bank AdditionalData Page


Specify check and adviceform ID and medium for transferring data to banks.

(USA) Specify the numberof days in the prenote wait period.

(CAN) Specify the bankrouting number format.

See (CAN and USA) Canada Bank Additional Data or US Bank Additional Data Pages in your PeopleSoft HCM Application Fundamentals documentation.

Payroll for NA InstallationPage


Control masking of directdeposit account numbers on employee and administrator direct depositpages and on PDF or non-PDF wage statements (paychecks and payslips).

See Defining System Settings for Payroll for North America.

Direct Deposit Controls Page


(USA, USF, CAN) Controlemail notifications, push notifications (alerts) and validation of(USA, USF) bank ID (bank routing transit number) or (CAN) bank IDand branch ID when employees set up direct deposit in self-service.

Direct Deposit PrenoteMemo Page


(USA, USF) Run the DirectDeposit Prenote Memo report (DDP006). The report produces a memoto each employee who has added a new direct deposit. The memo liststhe direct deposit information for verification.

Direct Deposit PrenotificationPage


(USA, USF) Run the DirectDeposit Prenotification report (DDP005). The report lists direct depositinformation for employees who will have their pay deposited directlyinto their bank account for the first time.

In Payroll for NorthAmerica, direct deposit distributions are performed during the PayConfirmation process. Enter employee direct deposit distribution dataon the Request Direct Deposit page.

Note: Employees can add orchange their own direct deposit information from the self-serviceDirect Deposit page. See Setting Up and Viewing Direct Deposit in your PeopleSoft ePay product documentation.

For USA and USF, self-servicedirect deposit add or edit changes are limited to one transactionper day. Employees can add or edit information for multiple directdeposit accounts in a singe self-service transaction, but once theysave the changes and exit the page, they cannot make additional changeson the same day. If they attempt to make additional changes, a messageappears from the Direct Deposit page saying that multiple direct depositchanges are not allowed on the same day. The once-a-day add or changelimitation applies only to Classic Self Service.

There are slight variationsin the functionality if you are using Fluid Direct Deposit feature.For more information on fluid direct deposit, see Using the PeopleSoft FluidUser Interface to Add and Modify Direct Deposit Accounts.

Multiple DirectDeposit Distributions

Each direct depositcan be stated as either a percent of net pay or a dollar amount. Forexample, suppose that an employee wants 100 CAD deposited to a savingsaccount, a 200 CAD check for pocket money, and 100 percent of theremaining net pay deposited to a checking account. To do this, youset up three rows of distribution data:



Account Type


100 CAD to Savings



100 CAD

200 CAD Check


Issue Check

200 CAD

Deposit remainder inChecking



100% Net Pay

In this case, make surethat you assign the savings and separate check entries lower prioritynumbers than the checking account direct deposit; this ensures thatthey are taken out first. Otherwise, 100 percent of the employee'snet pay goes into checking before the system checks the other directdeposit guidelines.

Designate one directdeposit account to receive the remaining funds after all of the otherdirect deposits are made. To designate an account to receive remainingfunds, select Balance as the deposit type. If you do not do this, theremaining balance is issued through a check.

Changing or DiscontinuingDirect Deposit

To change or discontinuedirect deposits, set up the appropriate effective-dated rows on theRequest Direct Deposit page.

Note: You can stop directdeposits for a single paycheck by selecting the Disable Direct Depositcheck box on an employee's paysheet. This causes the system to producean actual paycheck for the employee, rather than a direct deposit.

The prenote processis an optional, but strongly recommended, test run for direct depositsto verify that bank IDs and employee account numbers are valid.

Payroll for North Americaprovides these reports that you can use to notify employees of newdirect deposit requests so that they can verify the information:

Report Name

Report ID


Direct Deposit Prenotification


For each company andpay period, this reports lists employees that you have added to thedirect deposit instructions since the last pay period. It includesEmployee ID, priority of the types of deposits, account type, bankID, and account number.

Direct Deposit PrenoteMemo


This report prints amemo on your company stationery or memo forms. The text of the memoinforms the employee of the direct deposit and lists bank ID, accountnumber, account type, and deposit instructions.

If you're running theDDP Prenotification report (DDP005) and DDP Prenote Memo report (DDP006),you must run them prior to running the Create Direct Deposit TransmitSQR Report process (DDP001).

Prenote Wait Period

Here is how you managethe prenotification wait period to enable employees to verify newdirect deposit information:

  • On the US Bank AdditionalData page, define the number of days required for a prenotificationwait period (one-time setup).

  • Specify the start dateof the prenote wait period in the Prenote Date field when you run the Create Direct Deposit Transmit process (DDP001).

U.S. employees who requesta new direct deposit continue to receive checks until the prenote period has passed. For example, if the prenote wait period is 10days and you're running a weekly payroll, employees might receivetwo paychecks before direct deposit starts.

This table describesthe prenotification data that the system enters on the Request DirectDeposit page during creation and processing of new direct deposits:

Processing Step

Prenotification Status

Prenote Date

Save new direct depositrecord.

Not Submtd (notsubmitted)


Run the Create DirectDeposit Transmit process (DDP001).


The date entered inDDP001 process run parameters (blank if no date entered).

Prenote wait periodends.


Remains the same asthe value entered in DDP001 process run parameters.

An example of prenotingmight be that on January 14 you confirm the payroll for period January1 to January 14. You run DDP001 on the same day and enter a prenotedate of January 14. Ten working days from that date (assuming thatis the Wait Days value entered on the the US Source Bank table), thesystem changes the prenotification status from Submitted to Completed anddirect deposits go into effect on the next payroll.

Prenotificationof Changed Direct Deposit Data

To change direct deposits,set up the appropriate effective-dated rows on the Request DirectDeposit page. When you insert a new data row, all values of the previousrow are carried over to the new row as default values. You can updatemost values, but the availability of the Prenotification Reqd (prenotification required) check box depends upon the type of dataupdated. In addition, the Prenote Date and PrenotificationStatus values are always system-generated.

This table describesthe results of updating and saving the direct deposit record whenthe PrenotificationReqd check box is selected on the employee's previousdata row and the prenotification status of the previous row is Completed:

Description of Change

Prenotification Reqd

Prenote Date

Prenotification Status

Changed bank ID or accountinformation.

Selected and unavailablefor change upon saving.

To update the checkbox, exit the page and re-enter in Correction mode. The check boxis now selected and available for change.


Not Submitted

Changed percent, amount,or priority with no change in bank ID or account information.

Selected and unavailablefor change.

You cannot update thischeck box if the bank ID or account information has not changed.

Same as the previousrow


Changed account typeto Issue Check and deleted bank ID and account information.

Deselected upon saving.

If you do not deselectthe check box, the system deselects it when you save.


Not Submitted

Related Links

Generating a Direct Deposit File

(USA, USF) Use the RequestDirect Deposit page (DIRECT_DEPOSIT) to enter the information to enablethe direct deposit of employee pay to checking or savings bank accounts.


  • Payroll for North America > Employee PayData USA > Request Direct Deposit > Request DirectDeposit

  • Payroll for North America > Employee PayData USF > Request Direct Deposit > Request DirectDeposit

  • Payroll Interface > Update PayrollInformation > Direct Deposit USA > Request DirectDeposit

(CAN) Use the RequestDirect Deposit page (DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CAN) to enter the informationto enable the direct deposit of employee pay to chequing or savingsbank accounts.


  • Payroll for North America > Employee PayData CAN > Request Direct Deposit > Request DirectDeposit

  • Payroll Interface > Update PayrollInformation > Direct Deposit CAN > Request DirectDeposit

Image: Request Direct Depositpage

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Request Direct Deposit page.

Setting Up Direct Deposits (1)

Field or Control


Suppress DDP Advice Print (suppress direct deposit advice print)

Select this check boxto indicate that the employee has elected to receive their pay adviceelectronically, through the ePay self-service transaction, ratherthan in print.

If part of an employee'scheck is direct deposited and part is issued in a live check, thelive check would also show the direct deposit information.

(USA) Your BankInformation

Field or Control


Country Code

Enter the country ofthe bank where the direct deposit is to be sent.

Bank ID

Enter the identifierfor the bank where the direct deposit is to be sent. When you selecta bank, its name and address appear.

Add New Bank

If the employee's bankhas not yet been set up in the system, select the Add New Bank button to add the bank to the bank table.

Note: If the system is notset up to validate the Bank ID (for US) or the Bank ID and BranchID (for CAN), then the administrator does not need to set up the bankinginformation in the Bank table. The setup is only required if validationsare turned on in the Direct Deposit Control table.

International ACH BankAccount (international automated clearing house bank account)

If the bank is in theUnited States, select this check box to indicate that funds are actuallygoing to a non-US bank. This information is included in the directdeposit file that you create with the Direct Deposit Create File process(DDP001).

If the bank is not inthe United States, the system selects this check box and makes itread-only.

Prenotification Required

Select this check boxif prenotification is required. By default, the check box is deselected.You must select it if prenotification is required.

Note: The Prenotification Required check box is available for entry when you make a change to the Bank ID or Account Number fields and only after you save the page and re-enter with Correct History selected.

Prenoting is the processof verifying routing numbers and account number information for anelectronic transfer through a zero-dollar transaction. During theprenote period (wait days set for each bank on the US Additional BankData page [SRC_BANK_PY_SP] page), a zero-dollar deposit is sent tothe payee's bank account, and the employer typically pays the payeewith a check instead of a deposit. Direct deposits do not go intoeffect until after the end of the prenote wait period. This way, ifthe payee entered an invalid transit or account number the bank canreject the transaction, deposit into an incorrect account may be avoided,but the payee is still paid on time. The prenote process is optional,but strongly recommended.

When using prenoting,you will also want to run the Direct Deposit Prenotification (DDP005)and Direct Deposit Prenote Memo (DDP006) reports prior to runningthe Create Direct Deposit Transmit SQR Report (DDP001) process.

An example of prenotingmight be that on January 31 you confirm the payroll for period January1 to January 31. You run DDP001 on the same day and enter a prenotedate of January 31. Ten working days from that date (assuming that’sthe Wait Days value entered on the US Source Bank table), the systemchanges the prenotification status from Submitted to Completed anddirect deposits go into effect.

Note: If you change directdeposits by setting up a new effective-dated row on the Request DirectDeposit (DIRECT_DEPOSIT_CAN) page, all values of the previous rowcarry over to the new row. You can update most values, but the availabilityof the PrenotificationRequired check box depends on the type of data you thatyou update. The Prenote Date and Prenotification Status values (in the Distribution group box) are always system generated.


Note: For CAN, the group boxtitle is DistributionInformation.

Field or Control


Account Type

Select the applicablevalue to indicate a direct deposit to a checking or savings account,or if the system will issue a check: Checking, Savings, and IssueCheck.

Deposit Type

Select Amount if theemployee wants a fixed dollar amount to be deposited in this accounttype.

Select Balance ifthe balance of an employee's pay is to be deposited in this accounttype.

Select Percent ifthe employee wants a specific percentage of his net pay to be depositedin this account type.

Net Pay Percent and Net Pay Amount

Enter a specific dollaramount if you selected Amount in the Deposit Type field. Enter a percent if you selected Percent inthe DepositType field.

Bank ID and Branch ID

(CAN) The Bank ID and Branch ID fieldsappear in the Distribution group box for Canada only.

Enter the three-digitbank ID, and enter the five-digit branch ID.

Note: You must enter a bankID and account number for each account type.


Enter a priority numberfor this distribution. During direct deposit processing, distributionsare made to accounts in order of their priority number―the lower thepriority number, the higher the priority. Priority becomes importantwhen an employee's net pay isn't enough to cover all direct deposits―inthis case, only the higher priority deposits are made.

Note: You should not entera value greater than 900 if you are a user with Fluid Direct Depositfeature uptake.

Account Number (account number)

Enter the employee'saccount number. The account number represents the employee's checkingor savings account into which the money should be deposited.

If direct deposit accountmasking is turned on and configured, the system masks all but thelast four digits of a direct deposit account number. Depending onthe configuration, masking occurs on direct deposit pages for employees,direct deposit pages for administrators, and PDF and non-PDF wagestatements (paychecks and payslips).

Note: When the direct depositaccount number is masked for Employee Direct Deposit pages, the databehind the account number is not encrypted so that the payroll administratorcan access the account number in the event of an issue with the directdeposit request. If you select to mask direct deposit account numberson Administrator Direct Deposit Pages, then administrators will needto run SQL to view the employee’s complete account numbers. When maskingis selected for Wage Statements, direct deposit account numbers aremasked on statements created with PAY003.SQR, PAY003CN.SQR, DDP003,SQR,and DDP003CN.SQR are masked and in PeopleSoft Fluid User Interfacemobile paychecks.

Masking is optional,but strongly recommended. You can turn direct deposit account maskingon for direct deposit pages and wage statements in the Mask DirectDeposit Account Nbrs group box on the Payroll for NA Installationpage (INSTALLATION_PY). See Defining System Settings for Payroll for North America.

(USA) Prenote Date

The system enters herethe prenote date that you enter in the run parameters for the CreateDirect Deposit Transmit process (DDP001).

(USA) Prenote Status

The system enters avalue to indicate the status of the prenotification process:

  • Not Submtd (notsubmitted): The status when you save a new direct deposit requestrow.

  • Submitted: Thestatus after you run the Create Direct Deposit Transmit process (DDP001).

  • Completed: Thestatus when the prenote wait period has passed.

Note: (CAN) The prenotificationprocess does not apply to Canada.

Note: On uptaking the FluidDirect Deposit feature, Nickname field will be auto populated as accounttype appended with priority number, when an administrator creates/adda new account. This field will only be visible in the Employee SelfService Direct Deposit page. The user can modify the auto populatedNickname in Self Service. For more information, seeUsing the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface to Add and Modify Direct Deposit Accounts in your PeopleSoft ePay product documentation for more information.

Last Updated PageElements

Field or Control


This data was last updatedby

Each time direct depositdata is updated, the system indicates whether an online user or aself-service web user made the update, and it displays the date ofthe most recent update. Online users can make updates online usingthe Request Direct Deposit page. The employee, also known as the webuser, can make updates using the Direct Deposit transaction in theePay self-service application.

(USA, USF, CAN) Usethe Direct Deposit Controls page (DIR_DEP_CNTRLS) to control emailnotifications, push notification (alerts) and validation of (USA,USF) Bank ID (bank routing transit number) or (CAN) Bank ID and BranchID when employees set up direct deposit in self-service.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll forNorth America > Payroll Processing Controls > Direct DepositControls

Image: Direct Deposit Controlspage

This example illustratesthe fields and controls on the Direct Deposit Controls page.

Setting Up Direct Deposits (2)

Field or Control


Validate Routing Number/BankID for Self Service

Select the appropriatecheck box to turn on bank validations for direct deposit accountsthat are entered or updated for that country.

When U.S. is selected,the system validates the bank ID (bank routing transit number) againstthe Bank Table (BANK_EC) page.

When Canada is selected,the system validates the Bank ID against the Bank Table (BANK_EC)page, and if the Bank ID is validated, the system also validates theBranch ID against the Branch Table (BANK_BRANCH_EC) page.

Note: If the (USA) routingnumber or (CAN) bank ID does not exist on the Bank ID table, the systemissues an error message and the employee cannot save the direct deposittransaction.

See Setting Up Banks and Bank Branches in your PeopleSoft HCM Application Fundamentals product documentation.


Select the Notify checkbox to turn on automatic direct deposit email notifications.

When selected, you mustalso select the Notification Type (Administrator, EE andAdmin, or Employee) toreceive the predefined email notification that the system sends whenan employee’s direct deposit data is entered or updated. If the Notification Type includes an administrator, specify the administrator role to use,for example, Payroll Administrator.

The email shows thedate and time, based on the system date and time, when the actiontook place.

The email is sent tothe address that is associated with the recipient’s User ID, not theemail address from the personal data record. If no User ID email addressexists for the employee, the employee notification is not sent, butthe direct deposit changes are still saved and completed.

Note: When multiple rows areadded or updated for the same effective date, the system sends anemail notification to the employee and the administrator.


Select the Notify checkbox to turn on automatic direct deposit push notifications.

When selected, you mustalso select the Notification Type(Administrator, EE andAdmin, or Employee) toreceive the predefined push notification that the system sends whenan employee’s direct deposit data is entered or updated. If the Notification Type includes an administrator, specify the administrator role to use.

Note: Alert functionalityis available only for customers who have taken Direct Deposit FluidFeature.

Setting Up Direct Deposits (2024)
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