Their Eyes Were Watching God (2024)

Their Eyes Were Watching God (1)

作者: Zora Neale Hurston
出版社: Harper Perennial Modern Classics
出版年: 1998-12
页数: 227
定价: GBP 7.79
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780060931414











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内容简介 ······

Fair and long-legged, independent and articulate, Janie Crawford sets out to be her own person -- no mean feat for a black woman in the '30s. Janie's quest for identity takes her through three marriages and into a journey back to her roots.

作者简介 ······

Zora Neale Hurston was an American folklorist and author. In 1925, shortly before entering Barnard College, Hurston became one of the leaders of the literary renaissance happening in Harlem, producing the short-lived literary magazine Fire!! along with Langston Hughes and Wallace Thurman. This literary movement became the center of the Harlem Renaissance.

Hurston applied her Ba...


Zora Neale Hurston was an American folklorist and author. In 1925, shortly before entering Barnard College, Hurston became one of the leaders of the literary renaissance happening in Harlem, producing the short-lived literary magazine Fire!! along with Langston Hughes and Wallace Thurman. This literary movement became the center of the Harlem Renaissance.

Hurston applied her Barnard ethnographic training to document African American folklore in her critically acclaimed book Mules and Men along with fiction Their Eyes Were Watching God and dance, assembling a folk-based performance group that recreated her Southern tableau, with one performance on Broadway.

Hurston was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to travel to Haiti and conduct research on conjure in 1937. Her work was significant because she was able to break into the secret societies and expose their use of drugs to create the Vodun trance, also a subject of study for fellow dancer/anthropologist Katherine Dunham who was then at the University of Chicago.

In 1954 Hurston was unable to sell her fiction but was assigned by the Pittsburgh Courier to cover the small-town murder trial of Ruby McCollum, the prosperous black wife of the local lottery racketeer, who had killed a racist white doctor.

Hurston also contributed to Woman in the Suwanee County Jail, a book by journalist and civil rights advocate William Bradford Huie

原文摘录 · · · · · · ( 全部 )

  • Love is lak de sea. It's uh movin' thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets, and it's different with every shore. (查看原文)


    2018-06-09 05:02:06
  • 如果你能看见黎明的曙光,那么黄昏时死去也就不在乎了。有这样多的人从来都没有看到过曙光。我在黑暗中摸索,而上帝打开了一扇门。 (查看原文)


    2020-09-02 17:55:13

> 全部原文摘录

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短评 ······ ( 全部 47 条 )

  • 0 有用 绵绵 2014-11-13 18:17:48

    English Literature选修书单

  • 0 有用 哈吉穆拉特 2017-09-16 05:14:16


  • 2 有用 雨山 2013-04-24 10:17:48

    Use of slang and African American English in dialogue.

  • 0 有用 Le Flaneur 2021-04-03 17:55:18


  • 1 有用 浅浅 2021-03-19 02:08:34


  • 0 有用 哈哈哈 2023-11-15 13:12:42 美国

    有一本课堂阅读。一开始总在批判所有角色,直到接近末尾才开始正视爱和上帝和Janie。“God made it so you spent yo’ ole age first wife somebody else, and saved up yo’ young girl days to spend wid me” / “Love is lak de sea. It’s un movin’ thing,... 有一本课堂阅读。一开始总在批判所有角色,直到接近末尾才开始正视爱和上帝和Janie。“God made it so you spent yo’ ole age first wife somebody else, and saved up yo’ young girl days to spend wid me” / “Love is lak de sea. It’s un movin’ thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from de shore it meets, and it’s different with every shore.” (展开)

  • 0 有用 Toby 2023-05-19 13:19:48 内蒙古

    Janie,你和我灵魂相接的那些瞬间,我会记得。和你,和梨树和蜜蜂和海岸线一起,祝愿你在你的世界里获得真正的self- remodeling

  • 0 有用 2022-11-04 10:32:41 美国

    会觉得每个重要转折间都太突然了 folks间大段大段的对话又难看懂又没有意义 不过每个人物都好自然 没有特别多刻意突出种族性别stereotype的地方

  • 0 有用 忧愁骑士 2022-05-22 10:20:28


  • 1 有用 憨吃迷糊睡 2022-04-08 22:20:32

    本科生涯中最后一本novel了 纪念🙏

> 更多短评 47 条


Their Eyes Were Watching God的书评 · · · · · · ( 全部 19 条 )

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火山 2017-07-23 14:13:38 浙江文艺出版社2017版


译后记:当代黑人女性文学的先行者 王家湘 佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿出生于1891年,在美国第一个黑人小城伊顿维尔度过了童年。她的父亲是小城的市长,曾做过小学教师的母亲总是鼓励孩子们“跳向太阳”——要有远大志向。伊顿维尔没有一个白人,因此赫斯顿的童年是在没有种族... (展开)

13 0回应 收起

无语 2017-09-19 10:08:20 浙江文艺出版社2017版



原本我以为,这会是一本描写黑人苦难、悲剧与压迫的小说,后来发现,它不是。相反,整本书的基调是轻快的,并没有直接着眼于控诉与诘问,而是更多站在女性视角,来呈现到底什么样的生活才是女人真正想要的生活。 书的主角是一个黑人女性珍妮,在她的生命中,出现了三个男人,这... (展开)

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碧月清风 2017-09-20 13:15:53 浙江文艺出版社2017版


美国这个思想自由国度历来不缺乏描写黑人的文学作品,十九世纪斯托夫人的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》吹响了废除黑奴的号角,问世后一版再版,深受好评。林肯总统在接见斯托夫人时幽默风趣地称赞她是“写了一本书,酿成了一场大战的小妇人。”二十世纪有马克•吐温的《哈克贝利•费... (展开)

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吴玫 2017-09-04 20:45:05 浙江文艺出版社2017版



非洲本土作家的作品此地引进得少?抑或是我的阅读视野不够宽阔?以黑人为主要角色的小说,我读过的几乎都是美国白人作家的作品,他们的关注多半是美国黑奴,从早年的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》到新近的《为奴十二年》,未曾开言先就确立的主题:为美国黑人的悲惨命运掬一捧同情之泪。 ... (展开)

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PlantaPlanet 2022-10-11 13:16:53 浙江文艺出版社2017版

惊叹于优美的文笔与心之旅途 —— 天才的黑人作家佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿

这应该是第一次读黑人文学, 出自于三十年代崭露头角的作家佐拉之笔。有点被文笔的优美和想象力震憾到了。不算是非常复杂的故事, 但故事的余音如同诗歌回响在胸腔中。 三十年代仍然是黑人运动的发展时期, 你能想象到的黑人文学可能应该在揭露种族隔离制度下黑人生活的困顿与挣扎... (展开)

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花粉症幸存者 2019-12-11 12:45:43 浙江文艺出版社2017版



周二二限教授推荐我们阅读的《Their Eyes Were Watching God》,当天找来汉译本读了,并且一口气读完了,有太多杂乱的思绪。 批判家从里面看见了黑人与白人的对比,并且对作者对种族歧视的描写并不到位而感到不满。但是实际上作者(赫斯顿)描绘的更远远多于种族歧视。 除了黑人... (展开)

2 0回应 收起

小水 2015-02-28 14:51:53 Harper Perennial Modern Classics2006版

It Takes a Revolution to Make a Solution: The Transformation of Janie Through Tea Cake

Their Eyes Were Watching God perfectly combines folklore and literature in the theme of Black and female empowerment. The folklore elements were so well immersed that they could easily go unnoticed. According to Claire Crabtree, there are four major aspects... (展开)

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jane 2013-03-24 21:09:33


黑人文学老师要求读的,班里统一复印的老师的原版。不明白书名的用意。书里只一处写到了Their eyes were watching god ,在chapter 18 "They seemed to be staring at the dark, but their eyes were watching god" 这是在他们逃离飓风时的一段。其实全书主要写了主人公Jaine ... (展开)

3 1 1回应 收起

喜碧夫人 2011-05-19 21:56:27



老师给了list之后,一一找来汉译本来看,原谅我是个懒人=。=这本书比较小,所以大约是某个午后一鼓作气看完了,然后心里便给它起了另一个名字:一个女人与三个男人的故事。我果真符合miss shallow的称号。整本书以倒序的手法,讲述了janie从17岁到40岁的人生经历,或者说爱情经... (展开)

4 2 6回应 收起

阿乡 2021-10-16 08:15:37 浙江文艺出版社2017版



严格说我不是读了这本书,而是看了2005根据小说拍的同名电影。 这部电影讲的是奇女子简妮的感情经历。她是一个充满活力的美丽女子,对爱情自始至终寄予很高的期望。她的三段婚姻代表着爱情从外围接近其核心的三类情形。首先是物质婚姻,年龄差距大接受长辈安排的婚姻,没有爱情... (展开)

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习惯作者的写法就好了 来自折子戏 5 回应 2013-03-24 21:21:13

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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